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Rosh Hashanah Day 2

Friday, October 4, 2024 2 Tishrei 5785

10:00 AM - 12:00 PMPine Valley Ranch Park

Community Tashlich:  
Creating Sacred Spaces for a New Year
Friday Oct 4

Pine Valley Ranch, CO
30400 Crystal Lake Rd, Pine, CO 80470

Join local Jewish leaders, Rabbi Jamie Arnold and Laura Berman for a Community Tashlich, on the second day of Rosh Hashanah, and an outdoor experience.  Gathering to hear and feel the sound of the shofar on the shores of the South Platte River at picturesque Pine Valley Ranch, CO, we’ll sing and pray with acoustic songs led by Rabbi Jamie and Laura.  Come together in remembrance and release past regrets like crumbs on a stream to fully welcome the new year.

All are Welcome!
Bring a blanket/chair, and bread crumbs to share. Register HERE!


There is no cost to attend; please consider making a donation to:
Congregation Beth Evergreen music fund

Laura Berman - vocalist, songwriter, prayer-leader
Arava Institute: Environmental healing and peace between neighbors
American Friends of the Parents Circle: Bereaved Parents for Peace in the Middle East


Rabbi Jamie Arnold serves at Congregation Beth Evergreen.
Laura Berman is a local prayer-leader, vocalist and songwriter.


SCHEDULE (approximate)

9:00 am: Arrive, find parking, explore park, and help set up
9:00 am: Hikers leave for optional hike
10:00 am:  Morning Service (a meditative and musical frame for hearing the calls of the shofar) 
11:15 am:  Tashlich Service (tossing regret-laden breadcrumbs into the creek)
11:30 am:   Closing songs and ‘open house’ social time

Sorry, Registration has ended.

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