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Congregation Beth Evergreen Rothman Library

The Rothman Library at Congregation Beth Evergreen is the first and only Jewish library in the foothills west of Denver. The library space and furnishings were donated by CBE member Paul Rothman in honor of his parents and sister.

Mission Statement

The Rothman Library will provide materials for education, enrichment, reference and entertainment for our congregation, religious school and community. The library committee will promote programs to supplement and enhance the variety of educational, social and spiritual activities and events that take place at CBE. The library committee is dedicated to excellence and service in order to bring about a positive experience for every library user.

Acquisitions Policy

The library accepts only materials with Jewish content. It does not accept elementary school Hebrew texts or other textbooks. All gifts become the property of the CBE Library. Due to space limitations, we reserve the right to find other homes for donated materials that do not fit our acquisitions policy or that duplicate existing materials.

The Library is especially interested in acquiring:

  • Adult fiction and nonfiction, with an emphasis on recently published books.
  • Children's books.
  • General Jewish reference books and B'nei Mitzvah reference books and tapes.
  • Jewish videos, including documentaries and feature films, for adults and children.

To Donate to the Library

We accept used books and audio-visual materials which fit the collections guidelines above.

We are also grateful for monetary donations to the Library. We use the money for purchasing new materials, and if desired, a bookplate can designate the purchase as made in memory of a loved one or to celebrate a happy occasion such as a birthday, B'nai Mitzvah or wedding. To make a monetary donation, please select the "Library Fund" on the Tzedakah Form. Thank you!

Sat, March 29 2025 29 Adar 5785