Rabbi Jamie Arnold
Rabbi Jamie Arnold
Rabbi Benjamin (Jamie) Arnold brings warmth, joy, scholarship, music, wisdom, a love of tradition, and a way with children to Jewish communal life. In addition to leading spirited worship services at CBE, Rabbi Jamie is actively involved in the religious school. He provides spiritual direction and pastoral counseling, leads a weekly class on Mussar (ethical-spiritual discipline) on Thursdays, and hosts a Friday morning music & meditation series called Aleph-Bet Soup for the Soul. His passion for interfaith cooperation and dialogue is evidenced by his leadership of the Evergreen Interfaith Group, his service as past President of AT HOME in Evergreen (an affordable housing initiative) and as past President of The Interfaith Alliance of Colorado (TIA-CO). Through these organizations and other efforts, he orchestrates interfaith dialogues, multi-faith community celebrations, and collaborative efforts such as the Evergreen Shelter Program. Rabbi Jamie also serves as a volunteer chaplain for the JeffCo Sheriff’s Department, and on the board of Mt. Evans Hospice.
Rabbi Jamie has had numerous articles, translations, and poetry published in local newspapers and original liturgical music recorded by both American and Israeli artists.
Rabbi Jamie was ordained at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in 1999. He came to Congregation Beth Evergreen as our first full-time rabbi in 2005. He is originally from Western New York and served Temple Sinai in Amherst, NY from 1999 until 2005.
Ask the Rabbi
Tue, March 11 2025
11 Adar 5785
The midot of the month of March are Regret (chirtah) and Anger (caas).
Useful Links
- Mi Sheberach Form (prayer list)
- Make a Donation
- Order a Yahrzeit Plaque
Today's Calendar
Spiritual Leadership Team Meeting : 7:00pm |
Friday Night
Candle Lighting : 6:57pm |
: 7:00pm |
Shabbat Day
: 9:00am |
Havdalah : 7:58pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Mar 12 |
Mar 14 |
Mar 14 |
Mar 14 |
Mar 15 |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Ki Tisa
Shabbat, Mar 15 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Mar 14, 6:57pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Mar 15, 7:58pm |
Taanit Esther & Erev Purim
Thursday, Mar 13 |