Social Activities
Social Activities
Jewish communities are centers of learning; embracing joy in curiosity & nourishing passion to travel unique paths to connection, purpose and the divine.
Discover the many paths Beth Evergreen offers.
Upcoming Events
Sunday ,
MarMarch 30 , 2025Kibbitz & Nosh Cooking Class
Sunday, Mar 30th 1:00p to 4:00p
Join us in the CBE kitchen on Sunday, March 30th at 1:00 as we delve into desserts that I’d bet will be new, different and eye-opening to you. Class desserts will be chosen from Pistachio Cake with Fruit Meringue, Tipishti or Greek Baklava Cake, Bocca di Dama a flourless almond cake, Rhubarb Clafoutis, Almond Macaroons and Honey Roasted Pears. -
Saturday ,
AprApril 5 , 2025CBE Men's Group
Shabbat, Apr 5th 6:00p to 8:00p
New men's group led by Rabbi Jamie. Snacks suggested but not required. No RSVP required. -
Friday ,
AprApril 11 , 2025Hiking Havurah
Friday, Apr 11th 9:00a to 11:00a
Join Elizabeth on a series of hikes around Golden, Evergreen, and Conifer.
Needlework Group
CBE has a community-wide needlework group that meets every second Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. We work on all kinds of personal projects: knitting, embroidery, crochet - you name it! This group, in various forms, has met for decades. Everyone is nice, come join us!
Every year, CBE fields 1-2 softball teams, the Mensch Warmers and the Hebrew Nationals. We're always in search of dedicated players (skill is optional!). Please contact if you are interested in participating.
Living in Colorado, there's little anyone enjoys doing more than getting outside around a campfire! We go camping every year at various spots. This year's camping trip will be at Lake Granby over Labor Day Weekend.
Previous Events
Sat, March 29 2025
29 Adar 5785
The midot of the month of March are Regret (chirtah) and Anger (caas).
Useful Links
- Mi Sheberach Form (prayer list)
- Make a Donation
- Order a Yahrzeit Plaque
Today's Calendar
Shabbat Mevarchim |
Parshat Hachodesh |
Havdalah : 8:12pm |
Friday Night
: 7:00pm |
Candle Lighting : 7:18pm |
Shabbat Day
: 9:00am |
: 6:00pm |
Havdalah : 8:19pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Mar 30 |
Mar 30 |
Apr 1 |
Apr 4 |
Apr 5 |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Pekudei
Candle Lighting
Shabbat, Mar 29, 7:12pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Mar 29, 8:12pm |
Shabbat Mevarchim & Parshat Hachodesh
Shabbat, Mar 29 |