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What Is Life Asking You To Grow?

03/20/2022 10:00:24 AM


Luke Colaciello

At a recent Thursday afternoon Mussar class towards the beginning of the first month of Adar, we found ourselves reflecting on where in our lives we feel a sense of scarcity and were then invited to give from that place. I had to think about this. 

In the dance of the Sun and Moon above us, we have passed through the darkness of the longest night and are now nearing the Spring Equinox. I use this period of time as an opportunity...Read more...

Where do you find joy?

03/06/2022 10:00:17 AM


Rabbi Jamie Arnold

I went looking for a psalm, a song of gratitude and joy suited for the season.  A favorite ‘focus phrase’ or mantra came to mind: Ivdu et hashem b’simchah – which the Baal Shem Tov translates as “laughter and joy are themselves acts of divine service.”  I flipped through the pages (yes, I still prefer to flip pages rather than scroll through screens) of the Hebrew Bible [Tanakh] to find the verse but my eyes landed on...Read more...

Midah of the Month of March: Chesed/Kindness

03/01/2022 10:00:38 AM


Tara Saltzman

In the month of Adar (this year right in the middle of March) we celebrate the primarily joyful holiday of Purim.  While retelling the Megillat Esther through irreverent merriment, it is also worth seriously highlighting how influential Haman’s hateful...Read more...

Service Trip to Texas

02/28/2022 11:08:26 AM


Barbara Morris

Greetings CBE members and friends,

Good news about a possible CBE service trip.  I have just returned from my first trip to the Global Volunteers" Texas program and am delighted to report that the program is wonderful.  It is a...Read more...

What's Your Legacy?

02/20/2022 10:00:50 AM


Dan Herman

The new year is an opportunity to reflect on life, goals, and people you care about. As the years go by, I’ve been contemplating the legacy I’d like to leave. How I’d like to be remembered and how to support institutions whose missions I deeply care...Read more...

Welcome to Our New Interim Religious School Director!

02/17/2022 03:00:22 PM


Luke Colaciello

Join us in welcoming our new Interim Religious School Director, Jen Kraft! We are excited for Jen to be a part of our team here at CBE.

Jen is delighted to be helping CBE through the end of the religious school year as the Interim Religious School Director....Read more...

Welcome to 2022

02/06/2022 10:05:27 AM


Laurie Walowitz

Dear Friends, 

Over the past few months, we have had several opportunities to help CBEers recovering from illness or surgery.  I have come to learn that signing up to take a congregant a meal is like trying to get concert tickets at Red Rocks....Read more...

Calling all Sages!

02/01/2022 10:11:22 AM


Calling all Sages!
Do you have a funny bone and a penchant for writing? Consider writing an article for the "TooFar", our Purim-themed satire of our bRead more...

Midah of the Month of February: Gratitude

02/01/2022 10:00:31 AM


Tara Saltzman

HaCarat Ha Tov is the “cultivation of thankfulness for good things as well as expressing that thanks. Along with Spirituality, and Appreciation of Beauty, Hope, and Humor, our Gratitude is an expression of our Transcendence. All of these character strengths (middot) elevate us...Read more...

The Evergreen Shelter Program

01/30/2022 10:00:23 AM


Judy Sherman

As many of you know, the Evergreen Shelter Program (ESP) is active in our community from mid-November though mid-April. The mission of ESP is to provide compassion, warm food, shelter and company.  ESP does everything possible to deliver on all aspects of the mission and also to be safe in the midst of COVID-19.  The safety of the Clients (Guests) and volunteer staff is paramount.  EChO is able to offer this program through...Read more...

Tue, February 4 2025 6 Shevat 5785